$967 SSI Payments In February 2025:Check Eligibility, Payment Dates

$967 SSI Payments In February 2025, In February 2025, SSA is all set to release the payment of $967 SSI payment to eligible low-income individuals, retired seniors, and disabled persons. Eligible Social Security members will receive the maximum payment of $976 as Social Supplemental Income. These Social Security payments will be credited according to a COLA increase of 2.5% on a frequent time, adjusting the costs of living and inflation. 

Social Security Administration is focused on offering these monthly benefits to eligible individuals who are struggling due to increased inflation and rising costs of living. This $967 SSI Payment helps millions of US citizens purchase and pay an amount for their essential household items, including food, groceries, rent, utility bills, healthcare bills, etc. This article explains the overview of the $967 Supplemental Security Income, Eligibility for SSI Payments, Payment dates, and the impact of various factors on this payment.

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Overview of $967 SSI Payments In February 2025

TitleSupplemental Security Income of  $967 in 2025
Country The United States of America
SSI Maximum amount  For individuals: $967 Monthly For couples: $1,450 Monthly 
COLA Boost 2025Social Security benefits will be increased this year by 2.5% COLA
Who is eligible for a $967 SSI BenefitSeniors of age over 65, Disabled individualsLow and moderate-income individuals and families 
Payment Schedule in January February Payment will be issued on 3rd and 28th Feb 2025
Check Official InformationSocial Security Administration.

Understanding “SSI or Supplemental Security Income by SSA”?

Supplemental Security Program is a sort of financial assistance initiative that was initiated to help low-income seniors and low-income singles who are grappling with low income and increasing rates of inflation. This program aims to help seniors, Children, Low-income individuals, blinds, and disabled persons. These benefit payments are adjusted annually based on COLA and increasing rate of inflation. 

$967 SSI Payments

This payment offers a guarantee to provide social security to eligible candidates. Supplemental Security Income benefits are funded by the federal government of the United States of America. By opting for the right strategy of Applying SSI, members can receive more than the fixed benefit by maximizing their amount. For millions of Americans, SSI is a hope for buying their households including food items, medicines, utility bills, and more. 

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Who Can Receive the $967 SSI Payments in February 2025?

Understanding SSI $967 Eligibility Criteria is important for every claimant before applying for SSI benefits. To receive the SSI $967 Amount in February 2025, Social Security members must have a valid social security number and meet the given eligibility criteria:

  1. Age Criteria for $967 SSI Payment
AgeIndividuals who are 65 years or over will be eligible for SSA SSI Benefits
Disability StatusBlind persons or Disabled individuals of any age will be qualified for SSI income 
  1. Income and Resource Limits for $967 SSI Payment
Eligibility CriteriaIncome TypeAsset Limits 
Income & Asset Limit for IndividualsLimited income resources including wages, pensions, and Social Security benefitsNot more than $2,000
Income & Asset Limit for Couple Limited income including wages, pensions, and Social Security benefitsNot More than $3,000
  1. Citizenship and Residency
Eligibility CriteriaDescription
Citizenship or NationalityU.S. citizen, national, or qualifying non-citizen category
ResidencyMust reside in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, or the Northern Mariana Islands. Exceptions for certain individuals temporarily abroad.

Why COLA 2025 Matters?

The COLA aims to maintain a balance between SSI Payments and increasing inflation, providing a boost to SSI Benefits. Supplemental Security Income is increased annually according to the adjusted COLA rates. Suppose any recipient is receiving $78.58 per month, and this comes to $943 annually, in this case, if this amount is increased by COLA 2.5%. The individual will get an increased $967 SSI Amount according to this COLA Increase rate.

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Beneficiary TypeAmount in 2024Amount in 2025 

$967 SSI Payment Schedule February 2025 

Commonly, SSI payments are transferred on the first working day of every month, but if a Sunday or Holiday comes on the Payment Date, it is transferred before or after one day of the payment date. 

  • The installment of the SSI payment will be transferred on 28th February 2025.
  • Candidates who have been receiving SSI payments since 1997 Supplemental Security Income benefits will be transferred on 3rd Feb 2025.

To make sure the $967 Payment in time SSI members are suggested to claim at the right time and update their bank account details correctly.

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How does your Income Influence the $967 SSI Amount?

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In February 2025, the Maximum receivable SSI payment is fixed at $967 for singles and $1450 for married people but it can be reduced according to your exceeding income. SSI benefit of $1 will be deducted for every exceeding income of $2 which is earned from a job or self-employment. $1 will be reduced from SSI income benefits for every $1 over income earned from disability benefits, pensions, or non-working payments.


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