RPSC RAS Syllabus 2025 Pre & Mains-Check Exam Pattern, RPSC RAS Pre & Mains Syllabus 2025: RPSC has published RAS Syllabus 2025 on its official website @rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. You must be informed that RPSC has invited applications for RAS 2025 for 733 posts. Application forms are not open now.
RPSC is expected to conduct the preliminary exam on 2nd February 2025. It is a reputable post in Rajasthan and lakhs of aspirants apply for RAS every year. Approximately three months are remaining for the exam and in this situation, it is important for every student that he/she must know the RAS pre Syllabus 2025.
In this post, we will comprehensively look at the RPSC RAS Pre syllabus and exam pattern and the RPSC Mains Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025. Aspirants who are preparing for the RAS exams 2024, can download the Pre and main syllabus from the Official website of RPSC but few of them don’t know how to download the RPSC RAS syllabus. That’s why, we are going to cover important steps to download the RAS syllabus in this blog post.
RPSC RAS Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025 Pre & Mains
Exam Name | RPSC RAS Pre 2024 |
Exam Conducted by | RPSC(Rajasthan Public Service Commission) |
Exam Date Expected | 02 Feb. 2024 (Tentative) |
RAS Syllabus Upload Date | November 2024 |
RPSC RAS Eligibility 2024 | Bachelor’s Degree in Any Discipline |
Download Syllabus | https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/syllabus |
Official Website | https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/ |
RAS Selection Procedure 2025
Phase | Exam | Number of papers | Paper Type | Marks |
Phase-I | RAS Pre 2024 | 1 | MCQ | 200 |
Phase-II | RAS Mains 2024 | 4 | Descriptive | Each: 200Total: 800 |
Phase-III | RAS Interview 2024 | – | Personality Test | 100 |
Rajasthan RAS Pre Exam Pattern 2025

RAS Pre Number of Questions | 150 |
RAS Pre total maximum marks | 200 |
Each Question Marks | 200/150 = 1.33 |
Negative Marking Rule | 1/3 |
Exam Duration of RAS Pre | 3 hours(180 minutes) |
RAS Pre Subject | General Knowledge of Rajasthan and India General Science |
Types of Questions | Multiple Choice or Objective |
How many options in OMR | 5(a,b,c,d,e) |
What’s new in RAS 2025: In 2025, you will find a new option of “e” as an option. For the question that you do not want to attempt–you have to make a dark circle on “e” for that question.
RPSC RAS Mains Exam Pattern 2025
Paper | Subject | Number of Questions | Marks | Time Duration |
Paper-I | GS-I | Short Answer: 5 Medium Answer: 16 Long Answer: 7 Total: 48 Ques. | 200 | 3 Hours |
Paper-II | GS-II | Short Answer: 15 Medium Answer: 14 Long Answer: 10 Total: 39 Ques. | 200 | 3 Hours |
Paper-III | GS-III | Short Answer: 5 Medium Answer: 16 Long Answer: 7 Total: 48 Ques. | 200 | 3 Hours |
Paper-IV | General Hindi and English | Section A: 70Section B: 50Section C: 80 | 200 | 3 Hours |
Total | 800 |
Answer Type | Word Limit | Marks |
Short Answer | 15 | 2 |
Medium Answer | 50 | 5 |
Long Answers | 100 | 10 |
RPSC RAS Pre Syllabus 2025, Download PDF
In this section, you can find the full RPSC RAS Syllabus in English, and if you want to download the RAS Pre syllabus PDF in English and the RAS Mains syllabus PDF in English you can refer to the link in the table.
RPSC RAS Pre-Study Material / Books 2025
Rajasthan History, Art, Culture, Literature, and Heritage
- Historical Rajasthan: Important historical places of the early Christian era.
- Prehistoric sites of Rajasthan- from the Paleolithic to the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age.
- Rajasthan Society, Religion and Culture
- Administrative and Revenue System in Medieval Rajasthan.
- Political and Cultural Achievements of the Principal Rulers of Major Dynasties – Guhils, Pratiharas, Parmars, Chauhans, Sisodias, Rathores and Kachhwahas.
- Rise of Modern Rajasthan: Social awakening in Rajasthan in 19th – 20th Century.
- Political Awakening: Role of Newspapers and Political Institutions.
- Tribal and Peasant Movements in the 20th Century, Praja Mandal Movement in Various Princely States during the 20th Century.
- Integration of Rajasthan.
- Architectural Tradition of Rajasthan- Temples, Forts, Palaces and Man-made Water Bodies;
- Various Schools of Painting and Handicrafts.
- Performance Art: Classical and Classical Dance, Folk Music and Instruments, Folk Dance and Drama.
- Language and Literature: Dialects of Rajasthani Language.
- Literature and Folk Literature of Rajasthani Language.
- Religious life: Religious communities, saints, and sects in Rajasthan.
- Folk deities of Rajasthan.
- Social Life in Rajasthan: Fairs and festivals, social customs and traditions, costumes and ornaments.
- Prominent personalities of Rajasthan etc.
Indian History
Ancient Period | Medieval Period | Modern History(Early 19th Century to 1964) |
Cultural foundations of India – Indus and Vedic Age, Sannyasi Tradition and New Religious Thoughts of 6th Century B.C.- Ajivikas, Buddhism and Jainism. Achievements of major rulers of major dynasties: Mauryas, Kushanas, Satavahanas, Guptas, Chalukyas, Pallavas and Cholas. Arts and Architecture in Ancient India. Development of Language and Literature in Ancient India: Sanskrit, Prakrit and Tamil. | Sultanate Period: Achievements of major Sultanate rulers. Cultural Achievements of Vijayanagara. Mughal Period: Political Challenges and Reconciliations- Afghans, Rajputs, Deccan States and Marathas. Development of Art and Architecture, Painting, and Music during the Medieval Period. Religious and Literary Contribution of Bhakti and Sufi Movement. | Growth of Modern India and Rise of Nationalism: Intellectual Awakening, Press, Western Education. Socio-Religious Reforms during 19th Century: Various Leaders and Institutions. Freedom Struggle and Indian National Movement- Its Various Phases, Currents and Important Contributors, Contribution from Different Parts of the Country. Nation Building after Independence: Linguistic Reorganization of States, Institutional Building during Nehruvian Era, Development of Science and Technology. |
World Geography | Indian Geography | Rajasthan Geography |
Major Landforms- Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, and Deserts Major Rivers and Lakes Types of Agriculture Major Industrial Areas Environmental Issues- Desertification, Deforestation, Climate Change and Global Warming, Depletion of Ozone Layer. | Major landforms- Mountains, Plateaus, Plains Mechanism of monsoon and rainfall distribution Major rivers and lakes Major crops- wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane, tea and coffee Major minerals- iron ore, manganese, bauxite, mica Power resources- conventional and non-conventional Major industrial areas. National highways and major transport corridors etc. | Major geographical regions and their characteristics Climatic features Major rivers and lakes Natural vegetation and soil Major crops- wheat, maize, barley, cotton, sugarcane and millets Major industries Major irrigation projects and water conservation techniques Population growth, density, literacy, sex ratio, and major tribes Minerals- metallic and non-metallic Energy resources- conventional and non-conventionalBiodiversity and its conservationTourist centers and circuits etc. |
Indian Constitution, Political System & Governance
State Political System | Administrative Law | Institutions |
Governor Chief Minister Council of Ministers Legislative Assembly High Court | District Administration Local Self Government Panchayati Raj Institutions. | Rajasthan Public Service Commission State Human Rights Commission Lokayukta State Election Commission State Information Commission |
Public policy and Rights: Public policy, legal rights, and citizen charter |
Economic Concepts and Indian Economy
Basic Concepts | Accounting | Inflation |
Budget, Banking, Public Finance Goods and Services Tax National Income Basic Knowledge of Growth and Development | Concepts, Tools, and Uses in Administration Stock Exchange and Share MarketFiscal and Monetary Policies Subsidies, Public Distribution System E-Commerce | Concept Effects Control Mechanisms |
Economic Development and Planning
Major Sectors of the Economy | Economic Reforms and Liberalization | Poverty and Unemployment |
Agriculture, Industry, Services Current Status of Business Sectors Issues and Initiatives Major Economic Problems and Government Initiatives | Human Resource & Economic Development Human Development Index Happiness Index Social Justice and Empowerment Provisions for Weaker Sections | Concept Types Causes Measures and Current Major Schemes |
Economy of Rajasthan | Science & Technology | Health care |
Comprehensive overview of the economy. Key agricultural, industrial, and service sector issues.Growth, development, and planning. Infrastructure and resources. Major development projects. Major welfare schemes of the state government for SC/ST/Backward class/Minorities/Persons with Disabilities, Destitutes, Women, Children, Aged, Farmers, and Labourers. | Basics of everyday science. Computers, information and communication technology.Defence technology, space technology, and satellites. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, and genetic engineering. Food and nutrition, blood group, and Rh factor. | Infectious, non-infectious, and zoonotic diseases. Environmental and ecological changes and their impacts Biodiversity Conservation and sustainable development of natural resources Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, and animal husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan Development of science and technology with special reference to Rajasthan. |
Logical Reasoning | Mental Capacity | Basic Numeracy | Current Affairs |
Statements and Assumptions Statements and Arguments Statements and Conclusions Statements and Courses of Action Analytical Reasoning | Number/ Letter Sequence Coding/ Decoding Problems Related to Relationships Direction Sense Test Logical Venn Diagrams Mirror/ Water Diagrams Figures and their Sub-sections | Ratio, Proportion, and Partnership Percentages Simple and Compound Interest Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures Data Analysis (Tables, Bar Diagrams, Line Graphs, Pie-Charts) Mean (Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic), Median and Mode Permutation and Combination Probability (Simple Problems) | Major current events and issues of Rajasthan, India, and International importance Persons, Places, and Institutions in News Sports and Sports Related Activities |
Rajasthan RAS Mains Syllabus 2025
The RPSC RAS Syllabus 2025 for Mains contains four theory papers of 200 marks each and RAS main saves a total of 800 marks. These papers are divided into four categories:
- General Studies Paper 1
- General Studies Paper 2
- General Studies Paper 3
- General Studies Paper 4
RPSC RAS Mains-Study Material / Books 2025
RPSC RAS Mains 2025 General Studies Paper 1
RPSC Mains Unit I – History
Part A | Part B | Part C |
Major landmarks in the History of Rajasthan from Prehistoric times to the close of the 18th Century, Important dynasties, and their administrative and revenue system. Salient events of the 19th & 20th centuries: Peasant & Tribal Movements. Political Awakening, Freedom Movement, and Integration. Heritage of Rajasthan: Performing & fine Art, Handicraft and Architecture; Fairs, Festivals, Folk Music and Folk Dance Important works of Rajasthani Literature and Dialects of Rajasthan. Saints, Lok Devtas, and eminent personalities of Rajasthan | Fine Art, Performing Art, Architecture & Literature from the Indus Civilization to the British Era. Religious Movements and religious philosophy in Ancient and Medieval India. History of Modern India from the beginning of the 19th Century to 1965 AD: Significant events, personalities, and issues. Indian National Movement – Its various stages & streams, important contributors, and contributions from different parts of the country. Socio-religious Reform Movements in the 19th and 20th Century. Post-Independence consolidation and reorganization – Accession of princely states & Linguistic reorganization of the states. | Renaissance and Reformation. Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution. Imperialism and colonialism in Asia and Africa. Impact of World Wars. |
RPSC RAS Mains Unit II – Economics
Part A: Indian Economy | Part B- World Economy Global Economic issues | Part C- Economy of Rajasthan |
Major Sectors of Economy: Agriculture, Industry & Service- Current Status, Issues, and Initiatives. Banking: Concept of Money Supply & High Powered Money. Role and Functions of Central Bank & Commercial Banks, issues of NPA, Financial Inclusion. Monetary Policy- Concept, objectives & Instruments. Public Finance: Tax reforms in India- Direct & Indirect, subsidies- Cash Transfer and other related issues. Recent Fiscal Policy of India. Recent Trends in Indian Economy: Role of Foreign Capital, MNCs, PDS, FDI, Exim Policy, 12th Finance Commission, Poverty alleviation schemes. | Role of World Bank, IMF & WTO. Concept of Developing, Emerging, and Developed Countries. India in global Scenario. | Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Dairy, and Animal husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan. Industrial Sector- Growth and recent trends. Growth, Development & Planning with special reference to Rajasthan. Recent Developments and issues in the service sector of Rajasthan. Major Development Projects of Rajasthan- their objectives and impact. Public-Private Partnership Model for Economic Transformation in Rajasthan. Demographic Scenario of the State and its Impact on the Rajasthan Economy |
RPSC RAS Mains Unit III-Sociology, Management, Accounting & Auditing
Part A- Sociology | Part B- Management | Part C- Business Administration |
Development of Sociological Thought in India Social Values Caste Class & Occupation Sanskritization Varna, Ashram, Purusharth and Sanskar Vyavastha Secularism Issues and Problems of Society. Tribal community of Rajasthan: Bhil, Mina (Meena), and Garasia. | Management – Scope, concept, functions of Management – Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Direction, Coordination and Control Decision-Making: concept, process, and techniques. The modern concept of Marketing, Marketing Mix – Product, Price, Place, and Promotion Objective, the concept of maximization of wealth, Sources of Finance – Short and Long term, Capital Structure, Cost of Capital Concept and Main theories of Leadership and Motivation, Communication, Basics of recruitment, selection, induction, training & development, and appraisal system. | Techniques of analysis of Financial statements, Basics of Working Capital Management, Responsibility, and Social Accounting Meaning & Objectives of Auditing, Internal Control, Social, Performance, and Efficiency Audit. Basics of different types of Budgeting, Budgetary control. |
RPSC RAS Mains 2025 General Knowledge and General Studies Paper 2
RPSC RAS Mains Unit I-Logical Reasoning, Mental Ability, and Basic Numeracy
- Logical Reasoning (Deductive, Inductive, Abductive): Statement and Assumptions, Statement and Argument, Statements and Conclusion, Courses of Action.
- Analytical Reasoning.
- Mental Ability: Number series, Letter series, Odd man out, Coding-Decoding, Problems relating to Relations, Shapes, and their sub-sections.
- Basic Numeracy: Elementary knowledge of Mathematical and Statistical Analysis.
- Number System, Order of Magnitude, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Simple and Compound Interest, Data Analysis (Tables, Bar diagram, Line graph, Pie-chart).
RPSC RAS Mains Unit II-General Science & Technology
- Motion, laws of motion, work energy and power, rotational motion, simple harmonic motion, gravitation, waves.
- Properties of matter, electrostatics, current electricity, moving charge, and magnetism.
- Ray optics, Nuclear physics, semiconductor devices
- Electromagnetic waves, communication systems, basics of computers, use of information technology in administration, e-governance, and e-commerce, contributions of Indian scientists in the development of science.
- States of matter, Atomic structure, chemical bonding, molecular structure, equilibriums.
- Thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, solid state, solutions, electrochemistry, Chemical kinetics.
- Characteristic features of life
- Nutrition in organisms
- Principal of inheritance and variation
- Human health and diseases
- Biotechnology and its applications
- Biodiversity and Conservation
- Ecosystems Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Dairy, and Animal Husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan.
RPSC RAS Mains Unit III- Earth Science
- Ethics and Human Values: Lesson from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers, and administrators. Role of family, society, and educational institutions in inculcating values.
- Ethical concept: Rit and Rin, the concept of Duties, the concept of Good and Virtues.
- Ethics in private and public relationships- Behaviour, Moral and Political attitudes of administrators – Philosophical basis of Integrity.
- Ethics of Bhagavad Geeta and its Role in Administration.
- Gandhian Ethics.
- Contribution of Moral Thinkers and Philosophers from India & World.
- Psycho-Stress Management.
- Case Studies.
- Emotional Intelligence – Concepts and their Utilities
RPSC RAS Mains Unit IV- Earth Science (Geography & Geology)
Part A: World | Part B: India | Part C: Rajasthan |
Broad Physical Features: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Lakes and Glaciers. Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Types, distribution, and their impact Earth and its Geological time scale. Current Geopolitical Problems | Broad Physical Features: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Lakes, and Glaciers. Major Physiographic divisions of India. Climate- Origin of Monsoon, Seasonal Climatic conditions, Distribution of rainfall and climatic regions Natural Resources: Water, Forest, Soil Rocks & Mineral: Types and their uses Population: Growth, Distribution and Density, Sex-Ratio, Literacy, urban and Rural Population. | Broad Physical Features: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Rivers, and Lakes. Major Physiographic Regions. Natural Vegetation and Climate. Livestock, Wildlife, and its Conversation. Agriculture- Major Crops. Mineral Resources: Metallic Minerals- Types, distribution, and Industrial Uses and conservation. Non-Metallic Minerals- Types, distribution, and Industrial uses and their conservation. Energy Resources: Conventional and Non-conventional Population and Tribes. |
RPSC RAS Mains General Knowledge and General Studies Paper 3
RPSC RAS Mains 2024 Unit I – Indian Political System, World Politics and Current Affairs
- Indian Constitution
- Ideological Contents: Institutional framework- I, II, & III
- Political Dynamics
- State Politics of Rajasthan
- Emerging World Order in the post-Cold War era, USA’s hegemony and its resistance, UN and Regional Organizations, International Terrorism, and Environmental issues.
- Foreign Policy of India
- Geo-political and Strategic development in South Asia, South East Asia, and West Asia and their impact on India.
- Current Affairs
RPSC RAS Mains Unit II – Concepts, Issues, and Dynamics of Public Administration and Management
- Administration and management: Meaning, nature, and significance. Its role in developed & developing societies. Evolution of Public Administration as a discipline, new public administration, Theories of public administration.
- Concepts of power, authority, legitimacy, responsibility, and delegation.
- Principles of organization: Hierarchy, Span of control, and unity of command
- Functions of management, Corporate governance, and social responsibility
- New dimensions of public management, management of change.
- Attitude and foundational values of civil services: integrity, impartiality, and non-partisanship, dedication to public service, the relationship between generalists and specialists.
- Legislative & Judicial control over administration: various methods and techniques of legislative & judicial control.
- Administrative setup, administrative culture in Rajasthan: Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, State Secretariat, and Chief Secretary.
- District administration: organization, the role of District Collector and Superintendent of Police, Sub-divisional, and Tehsil administration.
- Development Administration: Meaning, Scope, and Characteristics.
- State Human Rights Commission, State Election Commission, Lokayukta, Rajasthan Public Service Commission, Public Service Guarantee Act, 2011
RPSC RAS Mains Unit III- Administrative Ethics, Behaviour, and Law
Part A: Administrative Ethics | Part B: Behaviour | Part C: Law |
Dimensions of Ethics Administrative Ethics Ethics in Private and Public Relationships | Intelligence Personality Learning and Motivation Meeting Life Changes: Stress |
RPSC RAS 2025 General Hindi & RAS General English Paper 4
Part A: Grammar and Usage | Part B:Comprehension, Translation, and Precis Writing | Part C: Composition & Letter Writing |
Correction of Sentences: 10 sentences for correction with errors related to Articles & Determiners Prepositions Tenses & Sequence of Tenses Modals Voice- Active & Passive Narration- Direct & Indirect Synonyms & Antonyms Phrasal Verbs & Idioms One Word Substitute Words often Confused or Misused | Comprehension of an Unseen Passage (250 Words approximately) 05 Questions based on the passage. Question No. 05 should preferably be on vocabulary. Translation of five sentences from Hindi to English. Precis Writing (a short passage of approximately 150-200 words) | Paragraph Writing- Any 01 paragraph out of 03 given topics (approximately 200 words) Elaboration of a given theme (Any 1 out of 3, approximately 150 words) Letter Writing or Report Writing (approximately 150 words) |
RPSC RAS Pre & Mains Study Material / Books 2025
How to download Rajasthan RAS Pre and Mains Syllabus 2025 PDF?
To download the RAS Pre and Main Syllabus PDF in Hindi and English, you can follow these simple steps:
Home Page | TMBU |
- Open the web browser and open the official RPSC website.
- On the home page, go to the “Candidate Information.”
- Click on the syllabus in the drop-down menu of “Candidate Information”
- Click on the syllabus, and select a year and exam name.
- The exam name can appear as:
- Rajasthan RPSC RAS 2025 syllabus Hindi
- RPSC RAS Pre syllabus 2025 Hindi pdf
- RPSC RAS Mains Syllabus 2025 English Medium pdf
- Rajasthan RAS Main Syllabus 2025 English Medium download pdf
- Click on one of the links syllabus will be downloaded in the downloads in your pc or phone.